Celebrate the Winter Solstice!

Winter has finally started to set in here at the Moline Library! Have you noticed that the days are growing shorter and shorter? Eventually, the days will start growing longer but only after one very important event: the Winter Solstice!

The Winter Solstice is known as the Shortest Day of the Year. This is because the Earth is tilted at an axis – meaning the Earth isn’t spinning up and down, but at an angle. It takes a whole year to orbit – or circle around – the Sun, so the tops and bottoms of the planet are either facing towards or away the sun as it spins. The planet spinning is what causes day and night to happen!

The Winter Solstice, also called the Hibernal Solstice, happens when either of Earth’s poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. So during the winter, the Northern Hemisphere, located above the Equator, gets the least amount of sunlight, while the Southern Hemisphere gets more. In the Summer it’s reversed! The solstices, together with the equinoxes – or days when there is an equal amount of daylight and night time – are connected with the seasons. In some cultures they mark either the beginning or the middle of summer and winter and are a very big deal! Because of the way our planet orbits, the solstices are not always on the same day of the year, but usually within a few days of the predicted time – usually December 21st or 22nd. This year the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere lands on December 21st. Go outside during the daytime and see how long your shadows are – they change lengths in the sun! During the summer where there’s more light, there’s less shadow. But when there’s less light, your shadow might be REALLY long!

The Winter Solstice is celebrated in most cultures as the returning of the light. In ancient times, there was no air conditioning or heating when it got cold like we have now, so people relied on fires and many layers to keep them warm during the winter. During the solstice, families all over the northern hemisphere would get together in one home to watch the rising of the sun after the longest night of the year, hold delicious feasts, play games, and light as many candles within their home as they safely could or hold bonfires outside to scare away the darkness and welcome in the Sun! This time was also called Yule in Europe, and was usually celebrated for 12 days. Because of the meaningful shift in seasons, the solstice is about rebirth and renewal, as well as celebrating the connection between nature and people. Today some of these traditions are still celebrated! You can find out more about them here!

How can you celebrate the Winter Solstice at home? Well there are tons of things to do! You could get up extra early to see the sun rise, go on a winter walk to see how the winter is setting in around your home, play in the snow, or even do some crafts! You could make:

You might also want to cozy up with a mug of cocoa and a nice warm blanket to read a good book! We have a ton of books on all things winter and snowy at the library, but we also have books about solstices, too! Check them out today, and remember to stay warm during the shortest day of the year! Happy Solstice!

Spooktacular Middle Grade Reads

Spook Season is officially here! Looking for a book that fits the vibe of this gray, windy, and utterly spooktastic time of year? Check out our list! These titles are sure to give you a few goosebumps!

Thief Knot: A Greenglass House Story by Kate Milford

For anyone who loves a good mystery with a paranormal twist, the Greenglass House series by Milford is a must-read. The great thing about THIS title is that while the setting is familiar it is a stand-alone title, so you don’t have to catch up on the series before diving into this story… and that’s very good because this is one you won’t want to miss this spook season!

When Marzana and her best friend Nialla overhear that there’s been a kidnaping in their boring city-state, it’s just what they have been looking for to liven things up! They quickly form a unique team that includes a magician and ghost and get to work on solving this mystery. As they dig deeper into the kidnapping, which seemingly makes no sense, it becomes apparent that, like so many other things in the Greenglass House world, things may not be as they seem. Will they be able to solve the mystery before time runs out?

Camp Murderface by Josh Berk and Saundra Mitchell

If you love Goosebumps, this book is going to right up your alley.

Camp Sweetwater is reopening for the first time in three decades, and Corryn and Tez both end up heading to camp, even though neither of them is super thrilled about it. It doesn’t help that strange things start happening. Corryn’s cabin is teaming with bugs (gross), there appears to be something in the lake, and then there are the voices. After doing some research Corryn and Tez discover that these voices belong to campers who died in a fire years ago. Why are they back to haunt the camp? And what’s up with the creepy lifeguard?

This books has mystery as well as R.L. Stine-worthy ghosts. Bonus: it is set in the 1980’s AND has a sequel being released late spring/early summer of 2021… just in time for summer camp!

City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

The cover of this book absolutely drew me in and the story definitely did NOT disappoint!

Cassidy nearly died in a drowning accident and nothing has been the same since. She now has an ever-present companion, Jacob. Jacob is a ghost and a friend but his death is still off-limits to talk about. Cassidy also can now pull back the “Veil” that separates the living from the dead and see other ghosts too.

Though some people might love the idea of seeing ghosts, Cassidy doesn’t which is why she is so excited for a summer with her parents at the beach… with NO ghosts (excpet Jacob).

Her plans take a turn for the worst when her parents, who just so happen to be a ghost hunting duo, are offered a TV show that will allow them to explore the world’s most haunted places. Places like Edinborough, Scotland.

While there, she meets a ghost named Lara who reveals to her that, as an In-Betweener, Cassidy’s job is to send ghosts she encounters behind the Veil permanently. In an old cities, with old ghosts, that is a very dangerous job.

This is book one, but we also have book two, Tunnel of Bones. Book three, Bridge of Souls, is expected out in 2021.

Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega

Though this book has themes of friendship and family which may not feel spooky at all, it also has evil spirits, a grandma who happens to be a witch, and a cat with a Goonies’ namesake! What more could we ask for?

Lucely and her best friend Syd cast a spell that is supposed to save her firefly spirits. Instead, they unleash evil spirits on their town! Together with Lucely’s grandmother, and her hefty tabby, Chunk, they set out on an adventure to right the wrong and save their friends and family as well as the rest of the town before the spirits take everything they love from them!

The Puppet’s Payback and Other Chilling Tales by Mary Downing Hahn

If you’re looking for scary short stories, but have read every volume of Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark, this book is going to be your new favorite read!

Each chapter of this new offering by the Middle Grade Master of Paranormal, Mary Downing Hahn, is a carefully crafted tale that will have you sleeping with the lights on! The chapters are relatively short, but build such a vivid story, you won’t feel like anything was left out. Perfect for those who love a good ghost story told with plenty of suspense.

Spirit Hunter by Ellen Oh

Moving into a new house always feels a little strange. Things like new sounds to find the cause of are normal, right? Maybe, maybe not.

For Harper Raine, the move into her new house is giving her a bad vibe. Really bad. To make it worse, the word around town is that the house is haunted.

When Harper’s brother, Michael, starts acting strange, she knows somethings wrong. It’s up to her to save him from the ghosts that are haunting him, but how? This book will have you guessing until the end!

If you don’t want to take my word on how great this book is, I’ll let you in on a fun fact : It is a Caudill 2021 nominee! So if you are hoping to vote for the Rebecca Caudill Young Reader’s Book Award this year, this will count toward your reading goal and just might be your favorite!

Oh, and if you read it and love it, be sure and check out the sequel, Spirit Hunters: Island of Monsters!

The Incredibly Dead Pets of Rex Dexter by Aaron Reynolds

I’m a HUGE fan of Aaron Reynolds. Not because he is scary but because he is funny! He is writer of the picture books Creepy Carrots and Creepy Pair of Underwear along with quite a few others, all bound to make you laugh! So why am I including one of his books on this list of scary books?

Well, it just so happens that he came out with a middle grade book that happens to be filled with mysterious ghosts along with a visit from the Grim Reaper!

Rex Dexter wants one thing for his birthday: a dog. This isn’t something he decided on the spur of the moment. Rex has always wanted a dog. It’s his destiny! When the big day comes, Rex sees a box with holes and inside is a… CHICKEN!

An hour later the chicken is dead and Rex has been cursed by the Grim Reaper. Even worse, there are ghosts haunting his room! Not just any ghosts either. The ghosts of dead animals from the zoo. They need Rex’s help to find out who caused their deaths and stop them before another animal at the zoo dies. But how is Rex supposed to do that?

This is a lighter read with plenty of Reynolds signature humor sprinkled throughout, but still a spooky read! It’s perfect for readers just testing the water with spooky books.

Small Spaces by Catherine Arden

Yes, you can judge this book by the cover. It is completely creepy and scary!

Ollie has been escaping into books after dealing with a tragedy. When she comes across a crazy woman about to toss a book into the river, she does what any bookworm would do and snatches it. As Ollie begins to read the story she’s stolen, its a love story of a woman with two brothers who both love her. in the book, the brothers make a deal with a smiling man who grants their wishes at a very high price. It’s a good story, but just that… a story, right?

The next day on a field trip at Smoke Hollow, a farm with it’s own tragic past, Ollie stumbles across the graves. The names match those in the story she read. Could they be real?

Before Ollie can explore to much it’s time to head home, but as they are en route their bus breaks down. Ollie’s teacher head’s back to the farm to get help and after the teacher is gone Ollie and her classmates are left only with the bus driver who gives them a warning: to get moving before nightfall because something is coming for them. Oh, and stick to small spaces. Will Ollie and her friends make it back home? And what about the people from her book? Worse yet, what about the smiling man?

This book is full of mystery as well as ghosts that will really get your heart pumping. The best part? If you like it, this is the first in a series. There will be four all together, each taking place in a different season. Dead Voices, the second book, takes place in the winter and is just as suspenseful and creepy as Small Spaces.

The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo by Drew Weing

There are a lot of great ghostly graphics out there, but this one always gives me the creeps. The story is fantastic, but the art gets me right in the goosebumps this time of year!

Charles has just moved to Echo City and he’s having some trouble with his new “neighbor.” This neighbor steals his stuff aaaaand tries to eat him because he is a MONSTER!!! Luckily for Charles, he is given a business card for Margo Maloo, Monster Mediator.

Margo knows all the monsters in Echo City. Some even say, monsters are afraid of Margo. Charles is lucky she is willing to take his case because for some reason, the monsters around Echo City really don’t like him.

This graphic is the perfect amount of creepy! This is book one but there is also a second book, The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo: The Monster Mall.

New Picture Books Your Kids Will Love

With Summer Reading winding down, I’m getting caught up on reading the many picture books filling our New Books Shelf. Wow are there some great new additions to our collection! Here are just a few highlights. Come in or call us for curbside pickup to check out these or the many others available!

Everyone’s Awake by Colin Meloy

If you are thinking this author’s name sounds familiar, you aren’t wrong. Not only is Meloy the author of the popular middle grade series The Wildwood Chronicles, he is also the frontman for popular Indie group, The Decemberists. The words in this book are so lyrical. An ode to insomnia that has a little bit of everything mixed in from Prince, mice playing cards, revolution, and more! The illustrations by Shawn Harris match the spirit of the words perfectly and you must pay very close attention because there are some details in the pictures that are sure to make you smile.

The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell & Benjamin Hart

Most books written by celebrities don’t get much notice from me. It’s very rare that I would recommend them but this book is so perfect and timely, I have to share! It speaks to every kid (or grownup for that matter) every where. A great blend of humor and heart, this book encourages, kindness, curiousity, and activism without being preachy or overbearing. If you are looking for a good book about being a good citizen or what it means to be in a community, this is a great one to share!

Hungry Jim by Laurel Snyder

This fable-like story is about a boy who wakes up as a beast. It cleverly goes through the emotions he feels as he goes through his morning and shows how letting negative emotions rule can spoil a perfectly good day. It’s dedication is to Maurice Sendak and the vibe throughout the book reminds me of Sendak and his wild beasts.

When My Brother Gets Home by Tom Lichtenheld

This book is a sweet shoutout to the younger siblings left at home at the start of the school year. Patiently waiting for the school bus to bring her brother home, a little sister is planning all the adventures she will have with her brother when he gets home.

The Bear in My Family by Maya Tatsukawa

Another sibling adventure with a very different twist. This younger sibling has a bear of a problem. Everywhere he goes, the bear is there! Roaring, stomping, angry, selfish… he just can’t escape. It turns out, having a grumpy bear around isn’t all bad though. In fact, sometimes a grumpy bear is just what you need.

I Really Want the Cake by Simon Philip

This hilarious tale in rhyme is perfectly complimented by charming illustrations that (almost) make you want to crawl into the pages. With lessons in impulse-control and making amends, this book gives plenty to talk about without being heavy handed. It’s a great book to talk about personal choices and consequences with that will have kids laughing and learning.

Miss Marta

Back to School Books Your Kids Will Love

Looking for some books to get your kiddo excited about going to school? Check out the titles below. You are sure to find one they love!

Picture Books

School People by Lee Bennett Hopkins

This book is filled with simple poems about the many grown ups young students can count on at school.

It’s your First Day of School, Busy Bus! by Jody Jensen Shaffer

Busy Bus has a case of the jitters on the first day of school. Thank goodness the Bus Driver shows Busy Bus all the great things about the first day. If you have a kiddo who will be a bus rider for the first time this year, this book will be great!

Unicorn Is Maybe Not So Great After All by Bob Shea

This book is great for first and second graders. Filled with the laughs you’d expect from Shea, giggles will replace any jitters in no time! Unicorn is already loved by his friends, but some serious first-day jitters have him up his fabulousness with unexpected (and undesired) results.

Nugget and Fang Go to School by Tammi Sauer

Nugget and Fang are off to school, but Fang has a little trouble adjusting to Mini Minnows Elementary. Luckily Fang the Shark get some much needed encouragement from Nugget to help his school year get off to the right start and make friends.

The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes

This is a sweet telling of the first day of kindergarten. I love that this book has a protagonist that is confident and exited about starting school since so many books seem to focus on the jitters. If your kiddo can’t wait for the first day of school, this book will be a winner at your house!

First Day Critter Jitters by Jory John

Did you know that even teachers get the first day of school jitters? In this silly story, a group of jittery critters arrive for the first day of school just to find their teacher, Armadillo, curled up tight in a ball. A funny approach to the first day of school.

The Pigeon Has To Go To School by Mo Willems

Math? Alphabet?! HEAVY BACKPACKS?!? The Pigeon is just not sure about going to school! Great fun for the younger crowd!

The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad

Light-up shoes, a new backpack, and her sister wearing a beautiful blue hijab to school for the first time have Faizah very excited for the first day of school. Sadly, it doesn’t quite go the way she expects. A beautiful story about sibling relationships and being proud of who you are.

Big Boys Cry by Jonty Howley

Levi is scared for his first day at a new school. His dad tells him the same thing he was always told: “Big boys don’t cry.” As Levi walks to school he sees that maybe his dad is wrong. His first day is actually very good and when he gets home, he discovers his dad is crying, realizing his misstep and his own worries for his son. A great social-emotional story about how showing feelings is a good thing for everybody.

Pirates Don’t Go To Kindergarten! by Lisa Robinson

Emma does NOT want to go to kindergarten! Like any good pirate, she goes back to preschool and stirs up a mutiny against Kindergarten. Funny story and a great chance to talk about all the great things to expect as your little transitions from preschool to kindergarten.

Butterflies on the First Day of School by Annie Silvestro

Rosie has been excited about going to school for weeks. The night before her first day though, she gets a tummy ache. Her mom tells her it’s just butterflies. Throughout the day, Rosie figures out ways to release the butterflies and feel better. She even manages to help another shy friend with the same problem. I honestly wish this book was around when my daughter started school. She was (and still is) a worrier, even about things she is looking forward to and this story would have been helpful!

Chapter Books

Best Buds Under Frogs by Leslie Patricelli

Being the new kid is so hard. Being the new girl who throws up on the playground on the first day? Harder. Especially when you want to make friends! Despite the rough start, Lily makes friends with quirky Darby. The two even make a club, the Rizzlerunk Club. Just when everything is looking up, Darby’s former best friend Jill returns after a move to London. Sadly, Jill can be mean and isn’t thrilled that Darby has a new friend in Lily. Will Darby and Lily stay friends? Great story about friendship with the humor you have come to expect from Patricelli.

New Kid by Jerry Craft

Jordan has dreams of going to an art school. He is excellent at creating comics about his life. Instead, his parents enroll him in a private school known for it’s academics. It’s very upscale and far removed from the apartment his family lives in. He is one of the only persons of color in his grade and doesn’t feel like he fits in at all. As the school year goes on he also doesn’t feel like he fits in with his friends at home. Can Jordan figure out how to navigate the school year, keep his old friends, make new ones and stay true to himself? This book is great for upper elementary/middle school kiddos who love graphic novels.

Becoming Brianna by Terri Libenson

Part of the Emmie & Friends series, this graphic novel is told in past and present chapters. It follows Bri, who is super smart but very quiet. She breaks out of her norm this school year and decides to do something that will really push her outside of her comfort zone. She will have to give a speech, learn a new language, and be in to spotlight. Gross! Can she handle the pressure?

Restart by Gordon Korman

Chase not only can’t remember his fall off the roof, he also can’t remember anything about himself! As he goes back to school, he learns about who he was through the eyes of his fellow students, but he isn’t sure he likes what he hears. Can amnesia give you a chance to restart your life?

Miss Daisy Is Crazy by Dan Gutman

AJ’s second grade year off with a surprise. Even though he isn’t thrilled to be back at school, Miss Daisy needs his help. She can’t read, write, or even do math! If he and his classmates want to keep their Principal from finding out, it’s up to them to teach Miss Daisy what she needs to know before it’s too late! This book is full of laughs and surprises. This early chapter book is perfect to read together or for first to third grade readers to tackle on their own.

Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova

Penelope wants to make a good impression at her new school, so when nerdy Jaime tries to talk to her, she makes it clear that they aren’t going to be friends. Instead, she joins Art Club and tries making friends there. When Art Club and Science Club (Jaime’s club) go to war, will Penelope rethink a friendship with Jaime? A great back to school read for late elementary through middle school who love graphic novels. This is book 1 of the Berrybrook Middle School series, so if your kiddo loves it, there are more to keep them happy!

Check out these books and many others for back to school now! The library is open 9 to 5, Monday through Friday and we even offer Curbside Pickup from 10-4.

Miss Marta

#8 of 2017


On down the countdown we go!  If you missed yesterday’s post, go check it out!


Miss Christina


The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell

The drawings of this book will draw you into this book before you even begin with one word from the author of How to Train Your Dragon. Set in an unknown ancient time, there are two groups. Xar is a Wizard and Wish is a Warrior.  There were once bad Witches, but they were made extinct by the Warriors. Now the Warriors want to get rid of every last bit of magic. Xar is a Wizard who cannot do a single spell and Wish has a magical spoon and enchanted sword that no one knows about. They are both headstrong and determined—and instantly distrust each other when they meet. The danger and adventures instantly begin. Cowell has created an incredible world filled with delightful creatures and names and fascinating pictures and side notes that add to the story.


Miss Sarah


The Thing Lou Couldn’t Do by Ashley Spires

Lou learns to face her fear.


Miss Teresa


Ben Franklin’s In My Bathroom by Candace Fleming

In this hilarious middle grade novel, Ben Franklin accidently time travels to 10 year-old Nolan’s home, where Nolan shows Ben around the world he helped form.


Miss Marta


Real Friends by Shannon Hale

Fabulous middle grade graphic with beautiful art work by LeUyen Pham (Princess in Black series).  This graphic memoir follows Shannon as she is finding her footing in the world of friendships and being true to herself.  Good friendships aren’t easy, but they are worth it and this book reaffirms this.


Miss Janna


100 Fun & Easy Learning Games for Kids by Amanda Boyarshinov & Kim Vij

Filled with fun learning activities for a rainy afternoon.


Top 10 of 2017


What better way for us to kick off the New Year than taking a look at some of our favorites that we have added to the children’s collection here at the library over the course of 2017.  It isn’t easy for a bunch of bibliophiles to narrow down to a list of ten, but we did it!  Just for you!  Starting January 1st check back each day to see what Christina, Teresa, Sarah, Janna, and I think took top honors in our collection of new additions.  We would love to hear what your favorites of the year were too so either comment below OR stop by the children’s desk and let us know!

Maker Invasion!

Makers final 2

Miss Janna

If You Loved Wonder… (Read-Alikes Series)


The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff

Fish In A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key by Jack Gantos

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

The One and Only Ivan by Kate Applegate

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

OCDaniel by Wesley King

Blubber by Judy Blume

Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai

The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes

The Only Game by Mike Lupica


Need other suggestions?  Just ask us!

Miss Marta

Real Friends by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham

I’m not much on realistic fiction typically.  Living through upper elementary and middle school was hard enough the first time, right?!  For some odd, quirky reason though, the realistic graphic genre has totally grabbed me.  I get knots in my stomach every time a character hits an awkward spot and am cheering them on when they have a victory.  The graphic format is just more powerful for me.

Real Life by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham is one of the best in this genre, by far.  This should come as no surprise.  This is the duo who has already blown us away with The Princess in Black series.

This new title though is one that unlike their fantasy series for early readers, lands us in the very real, very challenging topics of friendship, growing up, and finding your “tribe”.  The friends who get you and have your back no matter what.  Anyone who spends time with children knows friendship brings some of the highest highs and lowest lows.  This book delves deeper into that from the child’s perspective.  The anxiety, the fear of rejection and confusion surrounding why, the joy and peace of acceptance.

The story is actually a memoir written about Hale’s own childhood, revisiting the ups and downs of friendship, family, and change.  As I read it, it brought back all the memories of the tumultuous nature of childhood friendships from my own childhood and the immense joy felt when you have acceptance and compassion.

The relationship between Wendy and Shannon is one I feel a lot of readers will connect too.  Between family dynamics and mental health issues, these two characters are pushed apart but in the end, come to see that they actually have an ally in each other and are family, regardless of past hurts.

This graphic novel is beautifully done and fans of Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson, Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm, and Smile by Raina Telgemeier are going to eat this one up!