Captain Underpants Party @ MPL


The Captain Underpants books already were flying off our shelves thanks to summer reading, but with the movie out, we knew we had to celebrate so we hosted a Captain Underpants Party!  We hosted a fun mix of games and crafts to keep our active superhero patrons busy.  This event was an hour and a half and patrons could come and go as they pleased so having activities that were open-ended and adaptable to almost any age was the goal.  From the feedback we got from our 150 guests, the things we planned achieved these goals!  The best part?  These are things you could easily recreate if you are having a party, whether it is for 5 guests or 150!  Read on to see what we put together.


Professor Poopypants Name Changer

As people came into the event, we had them start by finding out there Captain Underpants name using Professor Poopypants’ Name Changer.  This was a downloadable from the Scholastic site.

Because we wanted a more colorful sign, we just typed recreated it in Canva which worked very well.  Kids quickly wrote their new name on a name tag and off they went to the next station.


Superhero Masks

Since capes prove tricky in regards to expense (and sometimes liability), we opted to have a mask station where are patrons could create a mask to go with their new Captain Underpants identity!


Hypno-Ring Station

Personally, I’ve always loved when George and Harold hypnotize Mr. Krupp for the first time.  The image of him on the desk pretending to be a chicken before he becomes Captain Underpants just cracks me up!  That said, we knew we had to have a station with the Hypno-Ring.  We created a giant hypnotic swirl on paper and attached to what is usually a ship’s wheel decor piece from our summer reading.  We then thought up some super silly actions for kids to act out.  We created slips for each task, cut them apart and threw them in our handy dandy cauldron.  To get “hypnotized”  kids had to stare into the swirl while pulling an action to act out from the cauldron.  Honestly, I was worried some of the older kids would play the too-cool card and walk past this station but it turned out I was worried for nothing.  We had some super silly actors of all ages at this station pretending to be a hot dog about to be eaten, an angry chicken, a cat taking a bath, and more!

Toilet Paper Stacking Challenge

This station was a lot of fun and definitely easy for any age!  Kids could test to see how high they could stack the toilet paper without it falling and how fast they could stack.  We actually posted a volunteer at this station to time kids.  She also helped with our Pin the Cape Station!

Pin the Cape on Captain Underpants


We blew up and painted a large image of Captain Underpants himself for this version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey.  Kids would put the blindfold on, spin three times, and then try to pin (er, tape, to be accurate) the cape to Captain Underpants’ neck. I’m sad to say I don’t have an after pictures of this station because this guy was covered in red capes!


Undie Fling

I’ll be honest, this station went best with a parent or grown-up willing to be silly! The objective?  To stand behind the long red line and fling a pair of tighty whities as far as you could.  From that line to the first shorter line was about 4 feet.  Each red line after took you another 2 feet.  A lot of kids got to see a whole new side of their grown-ups that day as they were learning to use the elastic waistband to launch the underpants!  Even if they didn’t get the concept of how to fling them with the technique we were thinking of, a lot of kids were giggling as they threw giant underwear around the library.

Turbo Toilet 2000 Turd Toss

Yeah… you read that correctly!  The Captain Underpants books are well-known for their toilet humor and we couldn’t help help but go there!  Using a toilet seat, round trashcan, card stock, and some good ole’ duct tape, we created our own version of the Turbo Toilet 2000.  We then created “turds” from scrunched up newspaper covered in wrinkled brown construction paper that was wrapped up in packaging tape so it was durable but gave a squishy feel.  Kids had a chance to see if they could get 5 turds into the toilet before their turn was done.  Hands-down, we got the BEST feedback about this station from parents and kids alike!

Jerome Horwitz School Sign

We have a magnetic pillar in our department that we have done some fun stuff with in the past, but this may have been my favorite!  We created a school sign like in the books and put out magnetic letters for kids to leave their own silly messages!  We had tried to use smaller letters but the magnets didn’t quite cut the mustard so we ended up with large foam letters instead and the kids still had fun with them!

Coloring and Activity Pages

These printables were all free on the Scholastic website.

Doodle Stations

Have you ever tried Doodle Stations before?  We throw them up at events periodically because they are a HUGE hit with patrons, young and old.  Basically we cover table tops with white craft paper or butcher paper.  We set out colored pencils and leave a note letting patrons know we want them to draw on the paper.  We get some awesome art work doing this!  Check out these examples!


The activities you just scrolled through are located all throughout our department.  It prevents congestion and chaos in a main meeting room and still encourages people to check out the collection.  It also meets the needs of kiddos with special needs or families with very young children.  We keep more challenging crafts or activities where materials could be messy in our Children’s Program Room.  For this event, we had three activities in our program room.  We had the fidget spinners craft we gave you in our sneak peek, a Captain Underpants Bookmark, and a Playdoh Poo station set up for kids to explore at this event.  Even the big kids LOVED the Playdoh!  And who doesn’t love a fidget spinner these days?!

Throwing this together during Summer Reading was not an easy task, but it was worth it!  Our community absolutely LOVED our Captain Underpants Party!

7 thoughts on “Captain Underpants Party @ MPL

  1. OMG! I just love all of these ideas for Captain Underpants! Would you be willing to share with a fellow children’s librarian the sign for your Playdoh Poo station? I love this idea, but have no idea how to put together a sign like this. Thanks!

    • Hi, Melissa! So glad you liked our Captain Underpants activities! We love sharing, so if you need any info on our other crafts and activities, let us know. As for the poop chart, we actually found a great Bristol’s poop chart at for that station. It was super kid-friendly and they loooooved making playdough poo! We just printed and laminated it to make the playdough mat. Best of luck!

  2. I absolutely love the creativity that went into this event! I am a third grade teacher. Our school is having an author study event where each classroom will have activities centered around a popular book series. Mine will be Captain Underpants. I would love to do something similar to your event! Would you be willing to share the station signs?

    • Thank you so much! This event was certainly a hit. It sounds like yours will be too! I’m happy to share what remains of our signage with you. Sadly, I no longer have all of the signs we created but I have a few files left that I hope could be of help. I’ll email them to you!

  3. This is such a fun event! I’m a children’s author with two new potty-humor books coming out in this fall, and I’m in the process of curating potty-humor story time lesson plans and event plans for my readers and their grown-ups. I hope it’s A-OK that I’ve added a link to your plans to my site ( I’ve referenced your library and your first name (as that’s what’s viewable), but if you’d like me to cite/reference in another way, please let me know. You have so many fun ideas here. I can’t wait to incorporate some of them into my own event plans! Thank you!

    • Hi, Dawn! Thanks for adding our link! We are so glad you enjoyed the ideas we shared from our event. Hopefully yours goes just as well! We will have to be on the lookout for your new books!

      • Thanks, Marta! Just a quick FYI that my books are now out in the wild. They are available everywhere books are sold, including Ingram iPage. I have added a bunch of new lesson plans and resources to the link above (including two really fun original songs/animated book trailers). I hope you enjoy them! Also, I included a variation of your TP tower activity at one of my recent events … it was a BIG hit! You can see a darling picture of a fully engaged library patron at this link: (I hope you will agree, her smile is priceless). Thanks again! Dawn

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