Not-Too-Spooky Picture Books

We have newly arrived Halloween and not-too-spooky picture books!

While you are in the library looking for fun Halloween books, be certain to check out our Not-Too-Spooky book display. The display will have picture books (that you can check out!) which are perfect for sharing with your little ones this time of year – you just won’t find them in the Halloween collection. Below are some of our new not-so-spooky arrivals you won’t want to miss!

Christopher Pumpkin by Sue Henra and Paul Linnet Christopher Pumpkin doesn’t fit in. He’s simply too nice. All the other pumpkins are scary. Now he has a deadline to come up with something scary too or end up being soup! Is there any hope for this sweet, lovable guy?

Does Frankenstein Get Hungry? by John Soimine Afraid of monsters? Can’t sleep? Try asking questions. This cute rhyming book has a great way of putting being afraid of monsters in perspective.

Gustavo the Shy Ghost by Flavia Drago Being shy is hard. It’s harder when you’re a ghost and no one can see you. Determined to make friends, he bravely discovers that the best way to get noticed is to do something you love.

How to Build a Haunted House by Frank Tupta A fun building book in rhyme, perfect for Halloween. So much to do, but can they get it done in time?

I Love My Fangs! by Kelly Leigh Miller A young Dracula has a loose tooth – one of his fangs! This simply can’t happen. Who ever heard of a Dracula with one fang? Follow along as this little vampire’s humorous attempts to keep his wiggly tooth.

Little Ghost Who Lost Her Boo! by Elaine Bickell Little Ghost can’t find her boo but her animal friends are willing to help her out. Can you?

Poesy the Monster Slayer by Cory Doctorow Poesy, having learned much about monsters from her book, is eager to fend off any that venture into her room.

New Picture Books Your Kids Will Love

With Summer Reading winding down, I’m getting caught up on reading the many picture books filling our New Books Shelf. Wow are there some great new additions to our collection! Here are just a few highlights. Come in or call us for curbside pickup to check out these or the many others available!

Everyone’s Awake by Colin Meloy

If you are thinking this author’s name sounds familiar, you aren’t wrong. Not only is Meloy the author of the popular middle grade series The Wildwood Chronicles, he is also the frontman for popular Indie group, The Decemberists. The words in this book are so lyrical. An ode to insomnia that has a little bit of everything mixed in from Prince, mice playing cards, revolution, and more! The illustrations by Shawn Harris match the spirit of the words perfectly and you must pay very close attention because there are some details in the pictures that are sure to make you smile.

The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell & Benjamin Hart

Most books written by celebrities don’t get much notice from me. It’s very rare that I would recommend them but this book is so perfect and timely, I have to share! It speaks to every kid (or grownup for that matter) every where. A great blend of humor and heart, this book encourages, kindness, curiousity, and activism without being preachy or overbearing. If you are looking for a good book about being a good citizen or what it means to be in a community, this is a great one to share!

Hungry Jim by Laurel Snyder

This fable-like story is about a boy who wakes up as a beast. It cleverly goes through the emotions he feels as he goes through his morning and shows how letting negative emotions rule can spoil a perfectly good day. It’s dedication is to Maurice Sendak and the vibe throughout the book reminds me of Sendak and his wild beasts.

When My Brother Gets Home by Tom Lichtenheld

This book is a sweet shoutout to the younger siblings left at home at the start of the school year. Patiently waiting for the school bus to bring her brother home, a little sister is planning all the adventures she will have with her brother when he gets home.

The Bear in My Family by Maya Tatsukawa

Another sibling adventure with a very different twist. This younger sibling has a bear of a problem. Everywhere he goes, the bear is there! Roaring, stomping, angry, selfish… he just can’t escape. It turns out, having a grumpy bear around isn’t all bad though. In fact, sometimes a grumpy bear is just what you need.

I Really Want the Cake by Simon Philip

This hilarious tale in rhyme is perfectly complimented by charming illustrations that (almost) make you want to crawl into the pages. With lessons in impulse-control and making amends, this book gives plenty to talk about without being heavy handed. It’s a great book to talk about personal choices and consequences with that will have kids laughing and learning.

Miss Marta