Review: One Fox by Kate Read

one fox


From the publisher: An illustrated counting book in which one famished fox finds five snug eggs but must face three plump hens to get them.


Illustrated counting books are (if you’ll pardon the cliche) a dime a dozen. Like all picture books, they need to have engaging art and preferably a story beyond “let’s count these objects on the page,” but since counting books in particular are so common it takes a lot to stand out from the crowd. And boy, does Kate Read deliver. The subtitle “A Counting Book Thriller” says it all: a fox slowly creeps up on some unsuspecting hens with the intent to steal their delicious eggs. I read it at a preschool storytime as well as at a preschool outreach and it went over great with that age group.

The artwork is absolutely gorgeous, particularly the titular fox who has a wonderfully expressive face. Just look at that cover! It also squeezes in some new vocabulary, like “sly” or “famished.” This is Read’s debut and I’m excited to see what she has in store for the future if she does this well right out of the gate. With great artwork, counting practice that doesn’t sacrifice plot, and mischievous humor, this one is a win for sure.

Check it out on the catalog here!

Miss Jessica